- Trust in the Lord with all good faith (a) and He shall acknowledge.
- 2 He shall light the way.
- 3 This prayer is sent unto thee for good fortune.
- 4 The original letter is from the Netherlands. (b)
- 5 Nine times it hath been about the world.
- 6 Good fortune hath now been brought unto thee.
- 7 Thou shalt receive fortune within four (c) days of receiving this letter, even as thou in thy turn deliver it unto others.
- 8 This is no folly.
- 9 Thou shalt receive it by messenger.
- 10 Deliver it unto those in need of good fortune.
- 11 Do not send money, for faith (d) hath no price.
- 12 Do not keep this letter.
- 13 It must leave thy hands within four score and sixteen hours.
- AN R.A.F. (e) officer received $70,000. (f)
- 2 And Joseph, son of Elliott, received $450,000, (g) but lost it when he broke the chain.
- 3 While in the Philippines, Gen. (h) Welch lost his wife (i) six days after receiving the letter.
- 4 He failed to distribute the prayer.
- 5 But before his death he received $175,000. (j)
- 6 The money was transferred to him on the fourth day after sending this letter.
- I pray thee, deliver twenty copies and see what cometh to pass on the fourth day.
- 2 This chain arriveth from Venezuela (k) and was written by Saul Anthony de Crell, (l) a missionary from South America.
- 3 I myself forward it unto thee.
- 4 Whereas the chain shall make the tour of the world, thou shalt make twenty copies identical unto this one (m) and deliver them unto friends and disciples.
- 5 After a few days thou shalt receive a miracle.
- 6 This is true even if thou art not credulous.
- LISTEN and understand: Constantine Dias (n) received the chain in 1953. (o)
- 2 He called upon his secretary to make twenty copies and deliver them.
- 3 And a few days later he won a lottery of two million dollars. (p)
- 5 Arua Daddit, (q) a scribe, received the chain.
- 6 He neglected to send it and a few days later was dismissed from his job.
- 7 He discovered the letter and sent it to twenty people.
- 8 And five days later he acquired a better job. (r)
- 9 Dolan Fairchild (s) received the chain and, not believing, cast it away.
- 10 Nine days later he died.
- 11 For no reason whatsoever should this chain be broken.
- REMEMBER, send no money. (t)
- 2 I beseech thee, ignore not this letter.
- 3 It fulfilleth.
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