Photos of Fort Ord and The Impossible City,
Seaside / Marina, CA

Ft. Ord Panorama

Ft. Ord Panorama


Warning Sign

Warning Sign: No Motor Vehicles Beyond This Point


The Impossible City

This facility, built in the late 1980s, is used by the FBI and military units for training in urban assault tactics. The name "Impossible City" is derived from the fact that all areas can be easily seen from adjacent buildings and most doors open to a central area. The area is off limits to the general public.

The soldiers are equipped with M15 rifles loaded with blanks and incorporating advanced "Laser Tag" transmitters; receivers on the vests respond when the soldier is hit.

The Impossible CityThe Impossible City - soldiersThe Impossible CityThe Impossible CityThe Impossible City -  wrecked carThe Impossible CityThe Impossible CityThe Impossible CityMay the Curse of 1000 Pubic Fleas Befall Your CamelsThe Impossible City - soldiers